Thursday, March 25, 2010

INSANITY II next Alpha available

INSANITY II ALPHA.02 is good to go!

There's a wee bit more game there for your enjoyment. You can now see more of CHIMERA and solve another puzzle. I've been checking out screenies for the new Dead Space 2 and it's looking pretty good. Man, wish I could be working on a game like that.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Free Wallpaper Neji Hyuga

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Neji Hyuga Byakugan Mode. Ini adalah jurus andalan keluarga Hyuga, yaitu byakugan atau kasarnya Mata Malaikat. Dengan mode ini kelurga Hyuga bisa mengetahui apa yang terjadi disekelilingnya 360 derajat tanpa ada celah. Selain itu, pada mode Byakugan mereka bisa melihat aliran chakra musuh.

This Wallpaper taken from

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Free Wallpaper Neji Hyuga

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Neji Hyuga Byakugan Mode. Ini adalah jurus andalan keluarga Hyuga, yaitu byakugan atau kasarnya Mata Malaikat. Dengan mode ini kelurga Hyuga bisa mengetahui apa yang terjadi disekelilingnya 360 derajat tanpa ada celah. Selain itu, pada mode Byakugan mereka bisa melihat aliran chakra musuh.

This Wallpaper taken from

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Wallpaper Mata Rinegan

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Rasakan kehebatan Mata Rinegan (Rinegan Eye) kepunyaan pain, You must be careful with these eyes.

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Wallpaper Mata Rinegan

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Rasakan kehebatan Mata Rinegan (Rinegan Eye) kepunyaan pain, You must be careful with these eyes.

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New Free Wallpaper of Captain Yamato

Captain Yamato........ Awalnya ga nyangka klo Captain Yamato adalah hasil cloning dari cell Hokage Pertama (First Hokage) yang mempunyai kemampuan elemen kayu (Woods Elements). Ternyata Captain Yamato adalah pemilik elemen kayu (Woods Element) satu-satunya di dunia. Captain Yamato dikloning oleh Orochimaru sejak zamannya Hokage Ketiga.

Wallpaper Capten Yamato ini aku peroleh dari yang di buat oleh artist : tomuxxx123x, dengan specifications : Dimensions: 1600x1200 ; Size: 625.54 KB.

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You can download this wallpeper free here or from original sites

Selamat mendownload Free Wallpaper of Captain Yamato, I hope this can make happy you all of Captain Yamato Lovers.

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New Free Wallpaper of Captain Yamato

Captain Yamato........ Awalnya ga nyangka klo Captain Yamato adalah hasil cloning dari cell Hokage Pertama (First Hokage) yang mempunyai kemampuan elemen kayu (Woods Elements). Ternyata Captain Yamato adalah pemilik elemen kayu (Woods Element) satu-satunya di dunia. Captain Yamato dikloning oleh Orochimaru sejak zamannya Hokage Ketiga.

Wallpaper Capten Yamato ini aku peroleh dari yang di buat oleh artist : tomuxxx123x, dengan specifications : Dimensions: 1600x1200 ; Size: 625.54 KB.

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You can download this wallpeper free here or from original sites

Selamat mendownload Free Wallpaper of Captain Yamato, I hope this can make happy you all of Captain Yamato Lovers.

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New Free Wallpaper of Itachi Uchiha

Itachi Uchiha adalah salah satu karakter (character) yang paling aku senangi (The Most I Like). Soalnya Itachi mempunyai Character yang kuat (Strong), Cool, dan yang pasti dia punya banyak jurus-jurus yang misterius (most misterius jutsu).

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Wallpaper ini aku dapatkan dari, dengan artist-nya tomuxxx123x. Wallpaper ini mempunyai spesifications : Dimensions : 1600 x 1200; Size : 542.17 kilo bites (kb)

You can downloads this wallpaper free here or from original sites

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New Free Wallpaper of Itachi Uchiha

Itachi Uchiha adalah salah satu karakter (character) yang paling aku senangi (The Most I Like). Soalnya Itachi mempunyai Character yang kuat (Strong), Cool, dan yang pasti dia punya banyak jurus-jurus yang misterius (most misterius jutsu).

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Wallpaper ini aku dapatkan dari, dengan artist-nya tomuxxx123x. Wallpaper ini mempunyai spesifications : Dimensions : 1600 x 1200; Size : 542.17 kilo bites (kb)

You can downloads this wallpaper free here or from original sites

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The Arnolfini Processor

Some people are complaining they don't understand how to solve this puzzle.

As you can see in the first pic (far left) this is a clue as to how to decipher the painting's secret clue.

'The Insanity II' is a more intellectual game than the first one. I'm aware that many people will struggle to figure out the puzzles which is why I'll include a walkthrough YouTube video with it's release (with money-making ad's on the page of course bwahahahaaaaa!)

For your information, the Arnolfini Portrait is a *real* picture by the way :-) And is historically known for having many hidden meanings- read about it out on Wikipedia

The demo will be updated shortly with a couple of extra sections. I'll let you guys know when it's out.

Friday, March 12, 2010


How's it going peeps? Long time no see and all that, but you can bet your ass I've been working hard on the sequel to 'THE INSANITY' and here's your proof. I did want to post this in NG Alpha's but unfortunately it's already over their 1mg limit.


Featured in this demo is approx.1/3 of the up-and-coming game.

You can:

*Read a little more about the history of the Doctor and the character you play in the game.

*Solve 1 major puzzle.

*Encounter 'CHIMERA'- one of the doctors wolf-like creations+ a hybrid vivisect version of one of your team-mates.

*See roughly 15 pieces of background art.

*See the almost-finished intro.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Way of Ninja

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"Jalan Seorang Ninja". Itulah yang selalu dikatakan oleh Naruto ketika meyakinkan dirinya atau orang lain untuk mengakui keberadaannya. Hanya orang-orang yang bisa meyakini jalannya yang akan bisa memperoleh pengakuan dari dunia akan keberadaanya. Inilah salah satu hal yang membuatku seneng sama komik / film naruto.

Setidaknya wallpaper di atas bisa membuat rasa senang kita sama Naruto bisa lebih kearah positif. Ya.. siapa tau mau di rubah menjadi The Way of Entrepreneurs, The Way of Smart Work, The Way of Happines, The Way of Live, The Way of Etc.

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